chaos, hostility and murder

December 30, 2007 at 11:12 pm | Posted in basketball, brian, football (american) | Leave a comment

sports night.

here’s all the things i’m watching on television right now: the patriots/giants game (which is being simultaneously being tele-casted on 7 stations), the alamo bowl (a game i have a significant number of confidence points for this bowl picks things i paid five dollars to be apart of), the jazz/celtics game and grizzly man (it doesn’t say, “hi timothy, we’re going to fucking kill you”). multi-tasking is tough, but i hear it’s a very marketable skill in today’s business world.

every game is in halftime, so i’m just gonna watch grizzly man.

how dare they! how dare they smear me with their campaign!

animals rule! timothy conquered! fuck the park service!

the actor in the film has taken over the director in the film.

i wonder if the trash talking in any of these sports games is, as herzog describes treadwell, “incandescent, even artistic.” but i do see certain similarities between treadwell and sloan. at least in the way they swear. and i get the feeling that sloan hates big city life in much the same way too. that’s why he’s got that farm out in illinois or indiana or wherever. driving around on your tractor; imagining all the people you’d like to run over. but the jazz are winning.

so are the giants. plaxico got both feet in and it’s 28-16. coors is the official beer of the nfl and wendy’s and the nfl network are going steady. better show them you’re mvp, brady. sometimes there’s a target on the replay. this is collinsworth: “tom brady is an absolute stud!” this drive seems like an important drive — the patriots down by twelve midway through the second quarter with an undefeated season hanging in the balance — but i just can’t care. what does it mean to go undefeated? what’s the significance of record breaking? brady tried to break the record throwing to a linebacker; right through vrabel’s hand. and there’s a penalty on vrabel. but it didn’t matter, touchdown maroney. i’m still not interested in this game.

email question to boller and booner: why is your email thing such a farce? here’s a previous email we sent: when you’re on the road, do the two of you get twins or share a queen. but the jazz fall apart in the last minute again.

now it’s tomorrow morning.  besides the jazz losing, i lost a bunch of points on my bowl picks with texas a and m’s loss.  but the patriots remain perfect, absolutely perfect as don shula or someone said on sportscenter.  one of the sportscenter hosts admitted to getting goose-bumps when bob greise said something about the 72 dolphins having been on this mountain top alone for 35 years but now having to move over to share that mountain top — the perfect football season mountain top — with this year’s patriots.  everyone was waxing poetic last night.  but i’m still struck by how much luck goes into a perfect season.  and i think it’s treadwell’s right to live and die with the bears.

speaking of bears, here are my top five records of the year: perfect pitch by panda bear, strawberry jam by animal collective, mirrored by battles, this bliss by pantha du prince and liars by liars.  records that almost made my top five? the new of montreal, caribou’s record (but their live show was terrible and costly to my hearing) and cryptograms by deerhunter.

have fun at your party!!!

December 20, 2007 at 8:18 am | Posted in basketball, brian | 3 Comments

eARtHqUAkE!!!  millsap hammer dunks it again!!!  maybe in someone’s face; maybe not.  either way, it’s impressive.

but it reminds of something i’ve seen before.  something from my childhood.  it’s all coming back to me.  a power forward.  on the utah jazz.  from louisiana.  throwing down hammer dunks.  causing earthquakes.  except this guy was a cowboy.  oh yeah, karl malone.

while i do like millsap, i never liked karl malone when he ws alive.  i mean, when he was playing.  never.  not even when i was a seven and watched jazz games with my next door neighbor on his mini-tv while we shot baskets.  not even when the jazz went to the finals.  not even when he was in that movie.  (it was called rockwell and it was probably about porter rockwell.  maybe it was made by mormons.)  then i saw his press conference where he announced his retirement.  he mostly talked about when  a badger is backed into a corner, it’s going to attack.  or maybe defend it’s family.

fight thinks millsap should dunk one time with his left hand behind his head as an homage to malone.  he shouldn’t make it his signature dunk, but it would be nice if he dropped it in the middle of a game one-time.

here’s a picture of steve nash:

there are some athletes who god just gives an incredible amount of talent to

December 18, 2007 at 1:17 am | Posted in baseball, brian | Leave a comment

was alex rodriguez’s 60 minutes interview a commercial for rodriguez? he places his opting out announcement squarely on his agent going as far as to say as that he and his agent aren’t speaking. does this mean they’re breaking up? or is a-rod just going to give him the silent treatment for a while before the make up (and out). then he goes on to deny using performance enhancing drugs. or even denies considering using steroids.  nice try a-rod.

and what about andy p?  he admits to using hgh for two days and then stopped because he felt it was wrong, even though he makes it clear that he didn’t think it was cheating.  two days?  oh yeah, and he did it for the team.  he was injured and wanted to recover faster.

i’m working on a post about the mitchell report, but i wanted to post this so everyone knows that this blog hasn’t gone defunct, yet.

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